ASG Students Attempt Escape from Dr. Steins Laboratory!

April 25th, 2017 | Student Activity

On Friday, April 21st a group of students attempted a daring escape from Dr. Steins Laboratory, the mad-scientist themed escape room located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Escape rooms have become a worldwide phenomenon among people of all ages. These rooms provide a team-building exercise frequently used by major corporations as well as a fun way to spend a Friday night with friends. The rooms are filled with clues and puzzles designed to challenge participants in a new and exciting way. With a time limit of only 60 minutes, the students had to find out what the mad-scientist was hiding as well as escape from the room. The challenges presented combined logic and creative thinking. Student Linda Hu sums it up by saying “the escape room showed me how to look at problems differently.”  It gave the students the opportunity to work as a team and learn to appreciate the strengths of their peers. The staff at Escape Rooms Pittsburgh said that “the room has only a 30% rate of participants actually escaping.” Through cooperation and innovative thinking the team had figured out everything except the last clue when their time ran out.  While the team may not have escaped the room, they did have a wonderful time and all said that they would participate in an escape room challenge again in the future.