Greenville High School
Greenville, PA
Public School
Greenville High School (GHS) is a public school for 7th to 12th grade education located in Greenville, Pennsylvania. GHS students can earn up to 63 university credits from the University of Pittsburgh and Seton Hill University. Students at GHS can also take computer programming courses designed by Carnegie Mellon University. GHS is a proud to be selected as 1 of only 50 National Blue Ribbon High Schools in 2017.
Academic Highlights
- GHS is a 2017 National Blue Ribbon School–one of only 4 high schools selected in Pennsylvania and among only 342 schools nationwide.
- GHS graduates are accepted at highly competitive colleges and universities every year
- GHS Students can earn over 50 University credits through the University of Pittsburgh and Seton Hill University
- Technologically integrated curriculum with district-wide wireless internet access
- Four-year program offered in Spanish
- 17 Vocational Programs offered through the Mercer County Career Center
- Special education programs that offer learning support, life skill classes, as well as a program for gifted students
- Distance learning opportunities for learning Latin, German, and Mandarin Chinese
- Students can take programming and app design courses offered by Carnegie Mellon University
- Four 3D printers and one state of the art laser engraving printer that allows students to design and produce their own models and equipment
- Interactive robotics program for students interested in engineering, design, and management
University Credits
University of Pittsburgh Courses ( 37 Credits)
- Analytic Geometry & Calculus I (4 Credits)
- Analytic Geometry & Calculus II (4 Credits)
- American Political Process (3 Credits)
- General Chemistry I & Lab (4 Credits)
- Communications & Rhetoric: Argument (3 Credits)
- Introduction Psychology (3 Credits)
- Statistics (4 Credits)
- Web Design & Development (3 Credits)
- Intermediate Web Design & Development ( 3 Credits)
- Introduction to Computer Programming: JAVA (3 Credits)
- Intermediate Programming Using JAVA (3 Credits)
Seton Hill University Courses ( 19 Credits)
- Anatomy & Physiology + Lab I (4 Credits)
- Anatomy & Physiology + Lab II (4 Credits)
- Biology I & Lab (4 Credits)
- Pre-calculus (4 Credits)
- Spanish Language & Culture (3 Credits)
Career & Trades (Offered through Mercer County CareerCenter)
- Auto Body
- Auto Mechanics
- Building Trades
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel Mechanics
- Early Childhood Education
- Electronic Technology
- Health Care
- Precision Production Metals
- Protective Services
- Welding
AP & Honors Courses
2 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- English Literature & Composition
- English Language & Composition
8 Honors Courses:
- English 9
- English 10
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Geometry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Fundamental English 9
- Fundamental English 10
- Fundamental English 11
- Fundamental English 12
- Practical English 9
- Practical English 10
- Practical English 11
- Practical English 12
- College Prep English 9
- College Prep English 10
- College Prep English 11
- College Prep English 12
- Wilson Reading
- Yearbook Journalism
- Newspaper Journalism
- Introduction to Journalism
Social Studies
- American History I
- American History II
- World History I
- World History II
- Algebra I
- Algebra II
- Advanced Mathematics
- Fundamental Mathematics I – IV
- Geometry
- Mathematics for the Modern World
- Biology I
- Chemistry I
- General Science I
- General Science II
- Marine Biology
- Physics
- Woodland Ecology
Foreign Languages
- Spanish I – IV
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Spanish IV
Technology & Engineering Education
- Energy, Power & Transportation Systems
- Engineering Our World
- Manufacturing Systems
- Principles of Engineering
- Innovation & Design
- Engineering & Design
- Media Production I – II
- Media Production Independent Study
Zulama Technology Suite (Curriculum by Carnegie Mellon University)
- Building Virtual Worlds
- Mobile Game Design
- GameMaker Programming
- Unity 3D Programming
Family & Consumer Science
- Introduction to Family & Consumer Science
- Discovery Foods
- Gourmet Foods
- Creative Foods
Fine Arts
- Art I
- Art II
- Art III
- Art IV
- Ceramics I
- Ceramics II
- Ceramics III
- Ceramics IV
- Band 9
- Band 10
- Band 11
- Band 12
- Choir 9
- Choir 10
- Choir 11
- Choir 12
- Percussion Ensemble 9
- Percussion Ensemble 10
- Percussion Ensemble 11
- Percussion Ensemble 12
Physical Education
- Health
- Physical Education
- Safety Education
- Sports Medicine
- Life Prep
- Test Prep
- Academic Support I
- Community Service
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Boston College
- Brown University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Case Western Reserve University
- Duquesne University
- Fordham University
- Harvard University
- University of Iowa
- Liberty University
- University of Michigan
- The Naval Academy
- University of Notre Dame
- Ohio Northern University
- Ohio State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Pennsylvania State University
- Purdue University
- University of Rhode Island
- Thiel College
- Washington & Jefferson College
- Westminster College
- Wooster College
Sports & Activities
- Academic Challenge
- Art Multimedia Club
- Band
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Cheerleading
- Choir
- Color Guard
- Cross Country
- Football
- French Club
- Golf
- Hockey
- Italian Club
- International Thespian
- Literary Magazine
- Liturgical Choir
- National Honor Society
- Peer Tutoring
- Right to Life Club
- School Paper
- Science Club
- Society/Theatre
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Speech & Debate
- Student Government
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
MIT FAB LAB Engineering & Technology Facilities
GHS is recognized as an MIT FAB LAB by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center of Bits and Atoms. GHS is now one of only 163 such recognized facilities in the United States, and one of 1,200 around the world, a glowing testament to its innovative hands-on STEM engineering course offerings and facilities!
GHS Engineering and Technology Facilities Include:
- 3 single extruding 3D printers and 1 industrial quality dual extruding 3D printer
- 1 laser engraver
- 3 digital design stations that include a 3D sculpting stylus and 3D scanner
- Larger format 3 axis CNC high-speed mill/router – 4’ x 8’ ft work area
- CNC Router
- Small CNC Metal Lathel
- Student access to industry standard software suites (Autodesk, Adobe, Corel, Vetrics products)
- Instruction that follows the internationally recognized Engineering by Design curriculum
Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) Track
International students have the option of completing a Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) program through the Mercer County Career Center through GHS
To learn more about these nursing programs, visit the ASG Express U.S. Permanent Residency Nursing Programs page
Ursuline High School
Youngstown, OH
Private School
Ursuline High School (UHS) is a private college prep academy for 9th to 12th grade education with a long tradition of academic excellence located in Youngstown, Ohio. Ursuline High School is appropriate for students seeking the most rigorous education standards and opportunities.
Academic Highlights
- UHS students have consistently performed at the highest academic levels and gain admission to top universities every year
- UHS Students can participate in regionally recognized fine arts and performing arts programs
- Distance learning technology that allows students to observe live open heart surgeries and other procedures in hospitals nationwide
- The Class of 2018 earned US$9.2 million in scholarships
- UHS may earn up to 25 University credits from Youngstown State University
- UHS had 2 National Merit Scholars and 1 Commended Scholar in 2016-17
- UHS has the highest number of National Merit Scholars in Mahoning or Trumbull County
AP & Honors Courses
19 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Art History (online)
- Biology II
- Calculus
- Calculus BC (online)
- Capstone
- Chemistry
- Computer Science Principles
- English Language (online)
- Environmental Science (online)
- French III & IV
- Literature & Composition
- Macroeconomics (online)
- Microeconomics (online)
- Psychology
- Research
- Spanish III & IV
- Statistics (online)
- Studio Art – Drawing
- Studio Art 2D Art & Design
- U.S. Government
- U.S. History
- World History (online)
9 Honors Courses:
- Algebra I
- Algebra II & Trigonometry
- American Literature & Composition
- British Literature & Composition
- Biology I
- Chemistry
- Geometry
- Literature & Composition
- Religion
- Introduction to Literature & Composition
- American Literature & Composition
- British Literature & Composition
- World Literature & Composition
- Film Study
- Developmental Reading
- SAT/ACT Vocabulary
Fine & Performing Arts
- Art
- Art I – IV
- Digital Photography
- Multimedia Arts
- Ceramics I – II
- Drama
- The Musical: On Broadway & In Film
- Stagecraft
- Film Study
- Play Performance
- Speech & Debate Team Performance
- Music
- Marching & Concert Band
- Concert Band
- Color Guard
- History of Rock & Roll
Foreign Language
- French I – II
- Italian I – IV
- Spanish I – IV
- Rosetta Stone
Health & Physical Education
- Health
- Physical Education
- Sports 360
- Fighting Irish Fitness
- Pre-Algebra I
- Algebra I – II
- Geometry
- College Prep Math
- Statistics
- Pre-calculus
- Anatomy
- Biology I – II
- Chemistry I
- Forensic Science
- Global Science
- Physical Science
- Physics
Social Studies
- American History I – II
- American Government
- American Law
- Economics
- Geography
- Psychology
- World History I – II
- Catholic Christianity
- Old Testament
- New Testament
- Morality
- Social Awareness
- Contemporary Issues
- World Religions
- Christian Service
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Boston University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Columbia University
- Dartmouth College
- Duke University
- George Washington University
- Georgetown University
- Harvard University
- New York University
- Northwestern University
- Ohio State University
- Pennsylvania State University
- U.S Air Force Academy
- U.S. Academy at West Point
- University of Michigan
- University of Notre Dame
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
Sports & Activities
- Academic Challenge Club
- Art Multimedia Club
- Band
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Cheerleading
- Color guard
- Cross Country
- Football
- French Club
- Golf
- Hockey
- International Thespian Society/Theatre
- Italian Club
- Literary Magazine
- Liturgical Choir
- Math Club
- NHS: National Honor Society
- Peer Tutoring
- Quiz Bowl
- School Newspaper
- Science Club
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Speech & Debate
- Tennis
- Track and Field
- Video Game Club
- Volleyball
- Yoga Club
Academic Extra-Curricular Awards
2018-2019 Academic Extra-Curricular Awards:
- Mahoning County Bridge-Building Contest First Place Winners
- 4 superior ratings at the regional Solo and Ensemble Contest
- State runner up, semi-finalist, and quarter finalist at the Ohio State Speech League Speech Debate Tournament
- 4 qualifiers to the National Speech and Debate Tournament
- National Ocean Science Bowl Team 4th place finish
- Regional Quiz Bowl Team Division Champions
Cardinal Mooney High School
Youngstown, OH
Private School
Cardinal Mooney High School (CMHS) is a private high school for 9th to 12th grade education with a long tradition of academic excellence located in Youngstown, Ohio. Cardinal Mooney High School boasts a strong family spirit, academic excellence and extra-curricular involvement.
Academic Highlights
- Cardinal Mooney students have gained admission to top universities like Brown University, Carnegie Mellon University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Yale University
- Cardinal Mooney’s Debate & Speech team ranks in the top 5 teams in the United States for total points accumulated. It boasts over 50 top ten state finishes, over 30 top five state finishes, and 2 state championships
- Students from Cardinal Mooney have access to a number of cutting-edge academic programs that foster creative entrepreneurship, innovative skills, and design thinking
- Four 3D printing courses that integrate video, publication, and digital media sources in a multidisciplinary learning approach
- Opportunities to earn university credits from Youngstown State University
University Credits
Earn 3 full credits through Youngstown State University for Calculus
AP & Honors Courses
17 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
- 2D Art
- Biology I – II
- Calculus I – II
- Capstone
- Chemistry I – II
- Computer Science Principles
- Literature & Composition I – II
- Physics
- Psychology
- Spanish & Culture
- U.S. Government & Politics
- U.S. History I – II
10 Honors Courses:
- Algebra I
- Algebra II & Trigonometry
- English 9 – 12
- Geometry
- Independent Art Studies
- Pre-Calculus
- Theology
- Art I – IV
- Drawing and Painting Studio
- Graphic Design & Publication
- Ceramics I – II
- Independent Art Studies I – IV
- Photography I – II
- Digital Photography I – II
Business & Technology
- Business Publishing
- Principles of Accounting
- Intermediate Financial Accounting
- Computer Applications
- Advanced Computer Applications I – II
- Digital Media Production
- Creative Entrepreneurship
- English 9 – 12
- Creative Communications
- Creative Writing
- Drama
- Debate
- Study Skills
- Verbal Test Prep
- Journalism I – II
- Reading I – II
Heath & Physical Education
- Physical Education I
- Health
Industrial Arts
- Woodworking Art & Design I – II
- Mechanical Drawing I – II
- Introduction to Electronic Principles
- Innovation, Creativity and Design Thinking
- Introduction to Algebra
- Integrated Algebra
- Algebra I – II
- Algebra II & Trigonometry
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- College Algebra
- Calculus
- Statistics & Probability
- Math Test Prep
- Marching Band
- Stage Band
- Chorus
- Woodwind & Brass Class
- Percussion Class
- Piano I – II
- Piano III: Songwriting
- Piano III: Performance
- Independent Music Studies
- Physical Science I – II
- Fundamentals of Biology
- Biology
- Earth Science
- Environment & Sustainability
- Fundamentals of Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Anatomy & Physiology I
- Astronomy
- Forensic Science
Social Studies
- Modern World History
- Ancient World History
- U.S. History
- African-American History
- American Government
- Personal Finance & Career Exploration
- Creating Peace & Building Community
- Law in Action
- World Geography
- Principles of Psychology
- Sociology
- Old Testament
- Principles of the Catholic Faith
- New Testament and the Acts of the Apostles
- Sacraments
- Catholic Church History
- Morality/Justice & Peace Issues
- Christian Lifestyles/Sexuality
- Christian Service
- Christian Themes in Film
- Life and Death Issues
- Prayer and Worship
- World Religions
World Languages
- German I – IV
- Italian I – III
- Spanish I – III
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Boston University
- Brown University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Michigan State University
- Miami University
- University of Miami
- Notre Dame University
- Ohio State University
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Stanford University
- Vanderbilt University
- Wake Forest University
- University of Washington
- West Point Academy
- Yale University
- Youngstown State University
Sports & Activities
- Art Club
- Band and Dance Line
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bowling
- CARD Control
- Cardinals for Life
- Christian Service Club
- Cross Country
- Envirothon Team
- Eucharistic Ministers
- Faith & Reason
- Philosophy Club
- Football
- German Club
- Golf
- History Day
- Italian Club
- Lacrosse
- Link Crew
- Liturgical Ministers
- Mathletes
- Ministers of Music
- Ministers of the Word
- NHS: National Honor Society
- Newspaper – The Beakon
- Peer Mediation
- Science Club
- Ski Club
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Speech & Debate Team
- Student Council
- Student Tutors
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Theatre Club
- Track
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
- Yearbook
- YSU English Festival
John F. Kennedy Catholic School
Warren, OH
Private School
John F. Kennedy (JFK) Catholic School is a private high school for 6th to 12th grade education located in Warren, Ohio. JFK’s MedPREP program features a designed four-year curricular track that prepares students for collegiate studies in Medicine. Students can participate in round-table talks with healthcare practitioners, volunteer at healthcare facilities, observe live surgeries and autopsies, learn basic medical procedures and gain work shadowing experience at a nearby hospital. JFK also offers a Think Lab program designed to make students future-ready by creating a space for cultivating essential problem-solving and entrepreneurial skills.
Academic Highlights
- JFK has been rated a Top Academic School in the Valley
- JFK provides students specialized academic programs catered to their career interests in the medical, law and business fields
- Think Lab Program Entrepreneurship & STEM Learning Software that cultivates essential skills via
- Entrepreneurship
- Collaborative Group Learning
- liitleBits Electronic Problem-Solving
- Graphic Design
- Video Production
- MEDPREP Program for students interested in Healthcare Careers:
- Take specially-designed 4-year curriculum with healthcare focus
- Work-shadowing experience with medical professionals
- Volunteer at healthcare facilities
- Observe live surgeries & autopsies
- Participated in roundtable discussions with medical practitioners
- JFK student’s examination results consistently rank as the highest among Ohio public or private schools in over five counties 99% of JFK graduates attend college
University Credits
6 Credits Offered through Youngstown State University: Biology and Calculus
AP & Honors Courses
5 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- British Literature
- Calculus
- American Government
- Biology
- Chemistry
9 Honors Courses:
- Literature and Composition
- World Literature
- American Literature
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus/Trigonometry
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Intro to Business
- Business Math
- Economics and Personal Finance
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Intro to Literature and Composition
- World Literature
- American Literature
- British Literature
- Mythology
- Journalism
- College Planning
- Yearbook
- Creative Writing
- Drama
- Technical Theatre
- Speech and Communication
Fine Arts & Performing Arts
- Band
- Vocal Music
- Art History
- Art Fundamentals
- World Cultures Through Art
- Drawing and Painting
- Printmaking
- 3D Design
- Art Appreciation
- Printmaking
World Language
- French I – III
- Latin I – IV
- Spanish I – IV
Physical Education
- Health
- Strength and Conditioning
- Nutrition
- Team Games
- Foundations of Personal Fitness
- History of Sports
- Biology
- Chemistry I – II
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Botany
- Zoology
- Physics
Social Studies
- Contemporary World History
- Global Affairs
- US History
- American Government
- Psychology
- Sociology
- World Geography
- Theology I, II, III, IV
- Introduction to Philosophy and Ethics
- The Problems of Evil
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- American University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Duquesne University
- Louisiana State University
- U.S. Military Academy (West Point)
- U.S. Naval Academy
- University of Notre Dame
- Ohio State University
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Villanova University
- Washington and Jefferson College
- Xavier University
Sports & Activities
- Amazing Race (8th grade)
- Basketball
- Boys and Girls State
- Camp Fitch (6th grade)
- Carnegie Science
- Center/Pittsburgh Trip (7th grade)
- Cross Country
- English Festival (7-8th grade)
- Football
- Golf
- History Day (6-8th grade)
- Key Club
- MathCounts (7-8th grade)
- Music Ministry
- Mock Trial
- NHS: National Honor Society
- Newspaper
- Paws With a Cause
- Power of the Pen (7-8th grade)
- Prep Bowl (6-8th grade)
- Relay for Life
- Service Club
- Ski Club
- Soccer
- Softball
- Speech/Debate Club
- Student Government
- Tennis
- Theater (6-8th grade)
- Track and Field
- Volleyball
- Washington D.C. Trip (8th grade)
- Wolves of Warren
- Business Club
- Yearbook
Hickory High School
Hermitage, PA
Public School
Hickory High School is a public high school for 8th to 12th grade education located in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Hickory High School offers a wide‑range of Academic, Art and Athletic opportunities. These programs offer multiple opportunities for the diverse population that attends Hickory High School. These opportunities constitute the AAA Recognition of Excellence program.
Academic Highlights
- HHS is a nationally recognized Advanced Placement (AP) Honors School based on excellent student AP exam performances that exceed National and State averages.
- Earn university credits by participating in dual enrollment through the following schools:
- Penn State Shenango | Butler County Community College Grove City College | Slippery Rock University | Thiel College Westminster College | Youngstown State University
- Students have a pathway towards admission at Penn State University through partnerships with Penn State Shenango Campus
- Students can apply to attend the Entrepreneurship Academy, a highly selective program in collaboration with eCenter at LindenPointe
- HHS hosts annual Business Week and Career Week to help students find prospective careers, internships and networking opportunities
- Offers a QUEST program designed to help gifted and talented students
- 13 vocational programs available through partnership with Mercer County Career Center
- Proudly offers the Silver Cords program, providing volunteer opportunities and recognition for 150 hours served in the community
- Students participate in Academic Games Leagues of America (AGLOA) tournaments every year and regularly qualify for and win awards at the National-Level
MCCC Courses
13 Mercer County Career Center (MCCC) Courses:
- Auto Body
- Auto Mechanics
- Building Trades Maintenance
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Early Childhood Education
- Electronics Technology
- Entrepreneurial Studies
- Health Care Careers
- Precision Production Metals
- Protective Services
- Welding
AP & Honors Courses
11 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Biology
- Calculus
- Calculus BC
- Chemistry
- Human Geography
- Language Arts III-IV
- Physics C
- Statistics
- U.S. Government
- U.S. History
7 Honors Courses:
- U.S. History 1865 to Present
- Western Civilization
- Chemistry
- Physics
- Anatomy/Physiology
- Organic Chemistry
- Geometry
- Algebra. II-III/Trigonometry
- Fundamentals of Calculus
- French III-IV
- Adv. Spanish III-IV
- Inquiry & Research Writing 9th grade
- Academic Language Arts I-IV
- Creative Writing I-II
- Literature in Film
- ESL Beginning
- ESL Intermediate I-II
- ESL Bridging
- ESL Literature 9-12 Replacement
Social Studies
- U.S. History 1865 to Present
- Western Civilization
- Civics and Government
- World Cultures
- Social Issues
- Psychology
- Integrated Science 9th grade
- Biology 10th grade
- Chemistry
- Academic. Biology
- Academic Chemistry
- Academic Physics
Junior/ Senior Science Electives
- Animal Life
- Academic Forensic Science
- Academic Biomechanics
- Integrated Math
- Algebra I-II
- Geometry
- Academic. Finance
- Academic Algebra I-II
- Academic Trigonometry
- Academic Geometry
Health & Physical Education
- Physical Education 9-12
- PIAA Sport Via Exemption
- Health
- Driver’s Education
Foreign Languages
- Academic French I-II
- Spanish I-II
- Academic Spanish I-II
- Interactive Media
- Advanced C++
- Databases & Spreadsheets
Family & Consumer Science
- Family Consumer Science/Cooking (9th grade S1, S2)
- Creative Cooking I-II
- Independent Living
Applied Arts
- Art I-III
- Crafts
- Photography I-III
- Ceramics I-II
Technology Education
- Stem Guitar
- Home Maintenance
- Mechanical Drawing I-II
- Architectural Drawing I-II
Performing Arts
- Band
- Ind. Study: Band Auxiliaries
- Ind. Study: Jazz Band
- Ind. Study: Pep Band
- Orchestra
- Chamber Orchestra
- Treble Chorus
- Men’s Chorus
- Concert Choir
- Chamber Singers
Noteworthy Alumni
- Rodney White – Olympic Medalist Archer, Gold (1996), Bronze (2000)
- Andrey Coleman – Former NFL wide receiver with multiple Superbowl records
- Marie McBride – Engineer, Mars Rover, Nasa
- Tom Marenchin – Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, D.C
- Christopher Ferreri – Attained highest MCAT score in Ohio State University’s history and doctor at Duke University Hospital
- Michelle Beckert – Aeronautical Engineer & MIT MBA
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Air Force Academy
- Allegheny College
- American University
- Auburn University
- Baldwin Wallace University
- Bucknell University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Georgetown University
- Grove City College
- Harvard University
- Marshall University
- Miami University of Ohio Oxford
- New York University
- Northwestern University
- Ohio State University
- Penn State University
- Stanford University
- Temple University
- University of California Los Angeles
- United States Naval Academy
- University of Missouri
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of Arizona
- University of Colorado
- University of Kentucky
- University of Michigan
- University of North Carolina
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Rochester
- University of South Carolina
- University of Vermont
- Washington & Jefferson College
- West Virginia University
- Wittenberg University
- Xavier University
Sports & Activities
- Academic Games
- Art Club
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Chamber Orchestra
- Chamber Singers
- Chemistry Club
- Chess Club
- Chorus
- Competitive Cheer
- Concert Band
- Concert Choir
- Creative Cooking Club
- Creative Writing Club
- Cross Country
- Drama Club
- Engineering Club
- English Festival Club
- Essay Contests
- Football
- French Club
- Future Business Leaders
- Future Educators
- Game Club
- Golf
- Green Team
- History Club
- Hornet Nation
- Hunting and Fishing Club
- Indoor Track
- Jazz Band
- Key Club
- Marching Band
- Math Club
- Model UN
- National Honor Society
- Orchestra
- PIT Orchestra
- Pep Band
- Photography/Art Media
- Physics Club
- Poetry Out Loud
- Robotics Club
- School Musical
- School Newspaper
- School Publication
- School Yearbook
- Senior Class Play
- Show Choir
- Silver Cords
- Ski and Board Club
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Spirit Cheer
- Stage Crew
- Student Council
- Students for Charity
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track and Field
- Treble Chorus
- Tri-M Music Society
- Unified Sports Bocce
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
- Youth Alive
Mercer Area High School
Mercer, PA
Public School
Mercer Area High School is a public high school for 7th to 12th grade education located in Mercer, Pennsylvania. The Mercer Area School District has received many accolades of success over the years and has been ranked in the top 25% of all school districts in Pennsylvania with respect to academic accomplishments. A recent national study also rated Mercer as one of the top 10 districts in the state.
Academic Highlights
MHS ranked in the top 25% of all school districts in Pennsylvania with respect to academic accomplishments
A recent national study also rated Mercer as one of the top 10 districts in the state
Mercer high school offers a variety of advanced programs and currently partners with St. Francis University to offer university credits in a number of subject areas
MHS students placed in the top 20% of SAT scores amongst the 756 high school in Pennsylvania
AP Courses
14 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses
(On Campus)
- Literature
- Psychology
- Chemistry
- Calculus (AB)
- Calculus (BC)
- Biology
- Composition
- European History
- Environment Science
- Human Geography
- Physics
- US Government & Politics
- US History
- World History
- English 9-12
- College Prep English 9-12
- SAT/ACT English Prep
Social Studies
- Modern World History
- American History
- Political Science & Economics
- Social Studies Survey
- Advanced Government
- Biology
- Physical Science
- Physics
- Academic Chemistry
- General Science
- Anatomy & Physiology
- Advanced Biology
- Keystone Biology
- Algebra I-II
- Geometry
- Algebra III/Trigonometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Statistics
- Applied Discrete Mathematics
- SAT/ACT Math Prep
- Keystone Algebra I
Health & Physical Education
- Physical Education
- Fitness
- Aerobics
- Health 9
- Health 11
Elective Courses
- Journalism
- Graphic Art Yearbook
- Volunteer
Foreign Languages
- Spanish I-V
- French I-V
- Latin
- Mandarin Chinese
Computer Science
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Computer Science II-III
- Multimedia Production
- Advanced Multimedia Production
Family & Consumer Science
- Advanced Family & Consumer Science
- Culinary Arts I-II
- Families Today – Living Today
Practical Arts
- Wood Technology I-IV
- Introduction to Design
- Leather
- Metal Technology I-II
- Fine Arts I-IV
- Studio Art I-IV
- Functional Pottery
- Fundamentals of Drawing
Music & Performing Arts
- Theater Arts
- History of Broadway Musicals
- Concert Choir
- Chamber Choir
- Concert Band
- Wind Ensemble
- Advanced Wind Ensemble
- American Popular Music: Analysis & Social Context
- Basic Guitar
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- American University
- Boston University
- Bucknell University
- Carnegie Mellon
- Clemson University
- Duquesne University
- Gannon University
- Grove City College
- Harvard College
- Ithaca College
- John Carroll University
- Johns Hopkins University
- Kent State University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.)
- Pennsylvania State University
- Rochester Technical Institute
- Swarthmore College
- Syracuse University
- The Citadel
- The United States Military Academy at West Point
- United States Air Force Academy
- United States Coast Guard Academy
- United States Naval Academy
- University of Alabama
- University of Delaware
- University of Kentucky
- University of Pennsylvania
- University of Pittsburgh
- University of South Carolina
- University of Virginia
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute
- West Virginia University
Sports & Activities
- Academic Games
- Art Club
- Baseball
- Boys & Girls Basketball
- Boys & Girls Cross Country
- Boys & Girls Soccer
- Boys & Girls Track & Field
- Chamber Choir
- Competitive Spirit
- Conservation Club
- Culinary Arts Club
- Equus
- Football
- Football & Basketball Cheerleading
- French Club
- Golf
- Hoofbeats
- Interact Club
- Journalism Club
- Marching Band
- National Honor Society
- National Junior Honor Society
- Photography Club
- Physiology Club
- Robotics Team
- Show Choir
- Ski Club
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Speech Team
- Spirit Club
- Student Council
- Students for Charity
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
State Ranked Speech Team
Mercer High School’s (MHS) Speech Team ranks among the best in the state. The school consistently fields teams that compete on the regional, state, and national stage every year.
In the 2017-2018 season alone, MHS’ team members won a total of 112 awards at 12 trophy tournaments. Twenty-three (23) awards were presented to students who won tournament championships at local, state and national competitions. The 2017-2018 MHS Speech Team also boasted a two-time State Champion, one of 18 in the program’s 40-year history.
Are you interested in a career involving public speech? Passionate about speaking or communicating your mind and emotions and learning how to deliver your points in an organized, concise and effective manner? Become a member of the MHS’ Speech program and be a part of its excellent tradition!
Speech Team History
- 18 individual state speech champions
- 35 Pennsylvania High School Speech League District team championships won over the last 45 years
- 29 Catholic Forensic League Erie Diocesan team championships won, including 22 in the last 30 years
- 577 national speech tournament qualifiers since 1979
- 9 national speech finalists
Neshannock High School
New Castle, PA
Public School
Neshannock Junior-Senior High School is a public high school for 7th to 12th grade education located in New Castle, Pennsylvania. The Neshannock township school distrct has received many accolades of success in over 56 years and has been ranked twice by US News and World Report as one of the top 5% of high schools in Pennsylvania and the Nation.
Academic Highlights
In the past 46 years, Neshannock High School is honored to have 57 students named as finalists for the National Merit Scholarship, while 130 have received letters of commendation
In 2016, 68 students took 108 advanced placement examinations in 8 subjects. There were 64 examinations with scores of 3 or higher. 15 graduates were awarded AP Scholar awards.
University Credits
Seton Hill University (27 Credit Total)
- AP Biology
- AP Calculus
- AP Economics
- AP English
- AP US History
- Honors Accounting II
- Honors English 11
- Honors Pre-Calculus
- Honors Band
University of Pittsburgh (4 Credits Total)
- Chemistry
AP & Honors Courses
7 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Art History
- Calculus AB
- Chemistry/Lab
- Biology/Lab
- English Literature
- Microeconomics
- U.S. History
12 Honors Courses:
- Advancing Accounting
- Algebra II
- Civics 9
- English 9-11
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Senior High Band
- Senior High Choir
- Statistics
- World Cultures
- Introduction to Art
- Jewelry
- Ceramics I
- Multicultural Crafts
- 2D & 3D Explorations
- Computer Graphics
- Advanced Painting & Drawing
- Ceramics II Wheel
- Digital Photography
- Commerical Art & Design
- (School Newspaper)
Business, Computers, & Information Technology
- Computer Skills & Applications
- Personal Finance
- Computer Accounting I
- Entrepreneurship
- Sports & Entertainment Management
- Multi-Media Web Page Design
- Business Law
Driver Education
- Classroom Driver Education
- English 9-12
- College Prep English 9-12
Family & Consumer Science
- Food & Nutrition
- Creative Cooking & Design
- Introduction to Foods
- Transitional Living Consumer Science
- Child Development I, II
- Beyond High School
World Language
- French I-IV
- Spanish I-IV
- Health
Human Performance Exercise Science
(Physical Education, P.E)
- Physical Education 9
- Wellness 10
- Physical Education 11-12
- Life Guarding/Aquatics
- Algebra I Part 1
- Algebra I Part 2
- Algebra II
- Senior High Math
- Statistics
- College Algebra
- Financial Literacy
Media Production
- Media Production Economics IA (Announcements, News)
- Media Production Economics IB (Weather, Sports, Lunch)
- Media Production Economics II (Activities Highlights)
- Media Production Economics III (Video Special Effects)
- Advanced Digital Medias
- Senior High Band
- Senior High Choir
- Physical Science/Lab
- Biology/Lab
- Chemistry/Lab
- Senior High Physical Science/Lab
- Physics/LabSpanish I, II, III, IV
Social Studies
- Civics 9
- World Cultures 10
- U.S. History II 11
- Problems of Democracy 12
- Economics 12
- Psychology 12
- Sociology 12
Teacher Assistant
- Teacher Assistant
Technology Education
- Manufacturing Technology I, II, III, IV
- Computer Aided Drafting & Design
- Robotics & Automation
- Engineering by Design
- Architectural Design
- Advanced Architectural Design
- Overview of Technology
- Applied Modular Technology
- 3D Modeling & Animation
- Yearbook I
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Adult Training Program
- Butler County Community College
- California University of Pennsylvania
- Capital University
- Casal Aveda Institute
- Clarion University
- Community College of Beaver County
- DePaul University
- Duquesne University
- Geneva College
- Gettysburg College
- Grove City College
- Harford Community College
- James Madison University
- Jameson School of Nursing
- John Carroll University
- Kent State University
- Liberty University
- Marymount Manhattan College
- Mercyhurst College
- Ohio University
- Pennsylvania State University
- Point Park University
- Purdue University
- Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania
- Slippery Rock University
- St. Vincent College
- Thiel College
- Tulane University
- United States Air Force Academy
- University of Pittsburgh
- Villanova University
- Washington & Jefferson College
- West Virginia University
- Westminster College
- Youngstown State University
Sports & Activities
- Band
- Baseball
- Boys’ Basketball
- Boys’ Soccer
- Boys’ Swimming
- Choir
- Cross Country (Coed)
- Drama Club
- Forensics
- French Club
- Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)
- Girls’ Basketball
- Girls’ Soccer
- Girls’Swimming
- Golf (Coed)
- Guidance Runners
- Junior Class Officers
- Junior Student Advisory Committee
- Library Aides
- National Art Honor Society
- National Honor Society
- National Junior Art Society
- Peer Leadership
- Pep Club
- Rotary Interact Club
- Science Olympiad
- Senior Class Officers
- Senior High Office Runners
- Ski Club
- Spanish Club
- Students for the Cross
- Students Helping Students
- Student Council
- Football
- Volleyball
- Girl’s Softball
- YSU English Festival
Sharpsville High School
Sharpsville, PA
Public School
Sharpsville High School (SHS) is a public school for 9th to 12th grade education located in Sharpsville, PA. SHS was ranked 40th statewide and again recognized nationally by U.S. News & World Report as one of America’s Best U.S. High Schools. High Achieving students have the ability to earn university credits from the University of Pittsburgh.
Academic Highlights
- SHS is recognized as one of the best high schools in America by the U.S. News & World Report
- Ranked as the 40th school district within Pennsylvania by the U.S. World News & World Report
- SHS graduates are accepted at highly competitive colleges and universities every year
- SHS Students can earn up to 28 university credits from the University of Pittsburgh
- SHS senior students earned over Six million dollars in scholarships during the 2014-2015 academic year
- SHS offers students entrepreneurship development programs that teach students how to market and develop their own products
- Robotics programs that enable students to compete at the state level competitions
- Job shadowing and internship programs
University Credits
University of Pittsburgh (28 Total Credits)
- American Politics (4 Credits)
- Business Calculus (4 Credits)
- Calculus (4 Credits)
- Chemistry (4 Credits)
- Physics (4 Credits)
- Probability & Statistics (4 Credits)
- Psychology (4 Credits)
AP & Honors Courses
5 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Biology
- Language & Composition
- Literature & Composition
- Music Theory
- Studio Art
8 Honors Courses:
- Algebra I-II
- Algebra III & Trigonometry
- Art IV
- Biology
- Literature & Composition I
- Literature & Composition I
- Physics
- Literature & Composition I-IV
- Research Foundations
- Journalism
Social Studies
- Current Events
- Psychology
- World History
- U.S. Government
- U.S. History
- Biology I-II
- Chemistry
- Environmental Science
- Forensic Science
- Human Anatomy & Physiology
- Organic Chemistry
- Physics
- Physical Science
- Algebra Concepts I-II
- Academic Algebra I-II
- Academic Geometry
- Geometry
- Integrated Keystone Math
- Math Analysis
- Statistical Methods
Foreign Languages
- Chinese I-II
- Spanish I-IV
Family & Consumer Sciences
- Childcare
- Culinary Arts
- Family & Consumer Science
- Fashion Design & Construction
- FCS and Financial Literacy
- Independent Living
Business & Industrial/Computer Technologies
- Accounting
- Computer Aided Drafting (CAD)
- Entrepreneurship
- Multimedia Web Design
- Introduction to Engineering Material Processing
- Material Processing
- Robotics & Elements of Design
Music & Fine Arts
- Art I: Drawing
- Art II: Mixed Media
- Art III: Independent Art
- Band
- Concert Choir
- Music Theory
Physical Education & Health
- Lifetime Fitness
- Physical Education I-IV
- Weightlifting
- Wellness
Career & Trades (Offered through Mercer County Career Center)
- Auto Body
- Auto Mechanics
- Building Trades
- Carpentry
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Diesel Mechanics
- Early Childhood Education
- Electronic Technology
- Health Care
- Precision Production Metals
- Protective Services
- Welding
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Berklee School of Music
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Cornell University
- George Mason University
- Georgetown University
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T)
- New York University
- Ohio State University
- University of Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Princeton University
- Purdue University
- Stanford University
- United State Air Force Academy
Sports & Activities
- Art Club
- Astronomy Club
- Band (Jazz, Marching, Pep)
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Book Club
- Bowling Club
- Chamber Choir
- Cheerleading
- Chess Club
- Community Leaders of
- America
- Cross Country
- Debate Forum
- Engineering Club
- Football
- LEAD: (Student Leadership
- Development)
- Musical
- National Honors
- Natural Helpers
- Newspaper
- PennServe
- Pennsylvania Junior
- Academy of Science
- Poetry Club
- Robotics Club
- Science Club
- Soccer
- Society
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Stage Crew
- Student Council
- Students for Charity
- Technology Club
- Teens That Care
- Thespians
- Track & Field
- Track Club
- Wrestling
- Yearbook
- Youth Alive Club
Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) Track
International students have the option of completing a Certified Nursing Aid (CNA) program through the Mercer County Career Center through SHS.
To learn more about these nursing programs, visit the ASG Express U.S. Permanent Residency Nursing Programs page
General McLane High School
Edinboro, PA
Public School
General McLane High School is a public school for 9th to 12th grade education located in Edinboro, PA. GMHS ranks in the 92nd percentile of all schools across the country for academic performance, making it one of the best schools in the Erie, PA region. High Achieving students have the ability to earn university credits from the Edinboro University
Academic Highlights
- Over half of GMHS teachers have a Master’s Degrees
- GMHS offers a dual enrollment program with Edinboro University
- Access to the Academy of Medical Arts & Engineering
- Students are able to gain technical training through the Erie County Technical School
- General McLane School District(GMSD) is 1 of 55 districts in Pennsylvania to receive “Out-Performer”status by Standard & Poor’s School Evaluation Services.
- GMSD was named a high performing / lowing spending school district by the Joint Government Commission.
- GMHS ranks in the 92nd percentile of all schools across the country for academic performance, making it one of the best schools in Erie, PA.
- GMSD that was ranked by niche.com:
- 89 out of 498 among best school districts in Pennsylvania
- 55 out of 500 among Districts with the best teachers in Pennsylvania
- 20 out of 498 among safest school districts in Pennsylvania
- The high school was selected as a semi-finalist for the GRAMMY Signature School Award, remaining the only school in NW PA to receive this honor.
ECTS Courses
Erie County Technical School Courses
18 ECTS Courses
- Art & Design for Business
- Auto Body Repair
- Automotive Technology
- Computer Programming
- Construction Trades
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Drafting & Design
- Early Childhood Education
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics
- Facility Maintenance
- Graphic Communications
- Health Assistant
- Metal Fabrication
- Precision Machining
- Computer Networking
- Tourism & Hospitality Management
AP & Honors Courses
9 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Biology
- Calculus AB
- Calculus II BC
- Chemistry II
- Literature & Composition
- French IV
- Mandarin IV
- Spanish IV
- U.S. History
17 Honors Courses:
- English 9-11
- Advanced Algebra & Trigonometry
- Algebra I-II
- Geometry
- Astrophysics
- Biology I
- Chemistry I
- Nuclear Physics
- Physics I-II
- Engineering Design I-III
- Robotics & CNC Technology
- Art Introduction
- Drawing I-II
- Painting I-II
- Artistic Metalsmithing
- Ceramics
- Art in 3-D
- Video I-III
- Graphic Design I-I
- Photography I-II
Business Education
- Computer Applications
- Youth & Finance
- Study Skills
- Newspaper
- Multimedia I
- Career Choices
- College & Career Readiness
- Intro to Accounting
- Accounting I
- Retail Management
Drivers Education
- English Basic
- English Academic
- Acting and Set Design
- Creative Writing
- Literature and Film
- Public Speaking
- Yearbook
- SAT Prep
- Arts and Humanities
Family Living
- Fun Foods
- Basic Foods
- Advanced Foods
- Lancer Pantry
Foreign Languages
- French I-III
- French V
- Mandarin I-III
- Spanish I-III
- Spanish V
Health & Physical Education
- Health 9-12
- Physical Education 9
- Physical Education/Drivers Ed 10
- Physical Education 11-12
- Team Sports
- Extreme Fitness
- Fitness and Weight Training I-II
- Kids to Kids
Independent Study Program
- Applied Algebra I-II
- Practical Algebra
- Algebra I-II
- Geometry
- Trigonometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Marching Band
- Concert Band
- Symphonic Winds
- Brass Ensemble
- String Ensemble
- History of Jazz
- History of Rock’n’Roll
- GM Jazz Band
- GM Jazz Big Band
- Jazz Improvisation I-II
- Electronic Music
- Holiday Choir
- Spring Concert Choir
- Women’s Ensemble
- Broadway Dinner Choir
- Madrigal Singer
- Vocal Jazz Ensemble
- Music Theory I-II
- Academic Science
- Biology I-II
- Intro to Chemistry
- Intro to Physics
Social Studies
- US History I-II
- Civics and Economics
- Cultural Competence
- World War II and The Greatest Generation
- Global Issues
- Sociology
- Current Affairs
- Psychology
Student Apprentice Program
Technology Education
- Computer Animation
- Webmaster I
- Home Maintenance
- Engineering Design I-III
- Architecture Design I-II
- Power Technology
- Advanced Power Technology
- Intro to Metal Materials and Processes
- Metal Productions Systems
- Intro to Wood Materials and Processes
- Wood Production Systems
- Robotics/CNC
- Engineering Experiences
Noteworthy Alumni
- Ali Zaidi – Harvard University, Office of Management and Budget for the Obama Administration
- Dr. Robert Wagner – Harvey Mudd, Michigan University, Currently at the law firm of Picadio Sneath Miller and Norton specializing in technology patents
- Blidi Wreh-Wilson – University of Connecticut, Tight end for the Atlanta Falcons Football Team
- Allison McAtee – University of Pittsburgh, Film, TV & stage actress starring in episodes of Castle, Revenge, NCIS, The Haves and the Have Nots, and many more
Sports & Activities
- After School Lifting
- Anime Club
- Baseball
- Boys & Girls Basketball
- Boys & Girls Soccer
- Caring Club
- Cheerleading
- Coding Club
- Cross Country
- Diversity Club
- Envirothon
- Football
- French Club
- Future Business Leaders of America
- General McLane Acceptance Club (GMA)
- Girls Lacrosse
- Girls Volleyball
- Health & Wellness Club
- Golf
- Hi Q Team
- Key Club
- Link Crew
- Mandarin Club
- Model United Nations
- National Honor Society
- PA Junior Academy of Science (PJAS)
- Patient Actor and Medical Club
- Peer Mediators
- Recreational Activities
- Recycling Club
- Robobots
- School Newspaper
- Softball
- Speech and Debate
- STEM Challenge
- Student Council
- Students for Christ
- Swimming
- TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude, Math & Science)
- Tennis
- Spanish Club
- Track & Field
- Unified Track & Field
- Water Polo
- Wrestling
- Yearbook
Kennedy Catholic High School
Hermitage, PA
Private School
Kennedy Catholic High School is a private school for 9th – 12th grade education located in Hermitage, Pennsylvania. Kennedy Catholic has over 50 years of experience working with international students. KCHS offers students exceptional academic programs which prepare students to achieve and succeed in university and in life.
Academic Highlights
- KCHS is a regionally recognized private high school with 50 years of experience educating international students
- Students have access to online distance learning courses through the Jesuit Virtual Learning Academy (JVLA)
- Technologically integrated curriculum with district-wide wireless internet access
- KCHS offers 18 AP courses and 20 honors courses
- KCHS offers students a vast array of extracurricular activities and athletic programs that enable them to fully explore their interests and develop their talents
- Kennedy Catholic High School boasts 5 National Merit Scholar Finalists State-Ranked basketball team
AP & Honors Courses
AP Courses
16 full credit courses
AP Art History (online)
AP Biology
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC (online)
AP Chemistry
AP Computer Science (online)
AP Comparative Government & Politics (online)
AP English Language & Composition 11
AP English Literature & Composition 12
AP Environmental Science (online)
AP Human Geography (online)
AP Macroeconomics (online)
AP Microeconomics (online)
AP Physics II
AP Psychology
AP Statistics (Online)
Honors Courses
21 Honors Courses
Honors Algebra I
Honors Algebra II
Honors Biology
Honors Calculu
Honors Chemistry
Honors English 9
Honors English 10
Honors English 11
Honors English 12
Honors Forensics
Honors French III
Honors French IV
Honors Geometry
Honors Latin III
Honors Latin IV
Honors Physics I
Honors Pre-calculus
Honors Spanish III
Honors Spanish IV
Honors Western Traditions
Business & Technology
- Business Law
- General Business
- Innovative Technologies
- Multimedia Art
- Sales & Marketing
- English 9 – 12
- English as a Second Language
- Algebra I – II
- Algebra III
- Geometry
- Consumer Math
- Integrated Math I – II
- SAT/ACT Test Prep
Performance & Visual Arts
- Acting I
- Chorus
- Concert Band
- Digital Photography
- Astronomy (online)
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Environmental Science
- Human Anatomy
Social Studies
- American Government
- Economics
- Psychology
- World Geography
- World History I – II
- Ignatian Discernment (online)
- Science & Religion (online)
- Theology 9: Scripture & Christology
- Theology 10: Introduction to Moral Theology
- Theology 11: Ecclesiology & Sacramental
- Theology 12: The Question of God
- World Religions
World Languages
- Arabic I – II (online)
- Chinese I (online)
- French I – II
- Italian I – II (online)
- Spanish I – II
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Colgate University
- Duquesne University
- Gannon University
- Grove City College
- Harvard University
- John Carroll University
- University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Notre Dame University
- Northwestern University
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Syracuse University
Sports & Activities
- Action Club
- Art Club
- Band (Marching Band, Jazz Band, Concert Band)
- Baseball & Softball
- Basketball
- Business Club
- Campus Ministry
- Cheerleading
- Cross Country
- Dance Line
- Environmental Club
- Football
- Golf
- Liturgy & Folk Group
- NHS: National Honor Society
- PJAS: PA Junior Academy of Science
- SAAD: Students Against Alcohol & Drugs
- Ski Club
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Student Council
- Tennis
- Track
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
- Yearbook
Central Catholic High School
Canton, OH
Private School
Central Catholic High School is a private high school for 9th to 12th grade education located in Canton, Ohio. Central Catholic High School is a college preparatory school that strives to provide a challenging, relevant, and diverse program of studies and extracurricular activities in an environment that fosters a life of faith and learning and develops leaders rooted in the Gospel values of integrity, respect, service, justice, and peace.
Academic Highlights
- A strong college preparatory curriculum is available to all Central Catholic students
- Approximately 99% of each graduating class attends college
- CCHS offers a unique class on Holocaust Studies
- Our academic program helps students far exceed the state and national percentiles on the ACT, SAT, and AP tests
- Over the years, CCHS has produced a number of national merit scholarship finalists and semi-finalists
- CCHS offers a fine and performing arts program for students interested in: choir, theatre, drama, art, ceramics, marching band, drawing, painting, graphic design, drafting, photography
- Annually over 99% of the graduates go on to college and post-secondary training. Last year’s class earned $8.9 million in scholarships. Central’s alumni have assumed roles of distinction and leadership in many fields including religious life, business, medicine, law, banking, politics and communications.
Dual Enrollment Program Stark State College University of Akron
AP & Honors Courses
10 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Biology
- Calculus
- Chemistry
- Computer Programming
- English
- Latin
- Physics
- Spanish
- U.S. Government
- U.S. History
17 Honors Courses:
- Algebra II
- American Studies
- Biology Honors Chemistry
- English 10-12
- French IV
- Geometry
- Government
- Latin IV
- Physics
- Pre-Calculus
- Religion 12
- Spanish IV
- U.S. History
- World Studies
- Art I-IV
- Calligraphy, The Art of Lettering
- Ceramics
- Graphic Design I-II
- Multimedia Art Productions
- Photography
- Business & Entrepreneurship
- Personal Finance
- Marketing
- Business Communications
Computer Science
- Introduction to Programming
- Game Design
- Engineering with LEGO Robots
- English 9
- English 10 (American Lit and Composition)
- English 11 (English Lit & Composition)
- English 12 (World Lit & Composition)
- Effective Writing: Formal & Creative
- Holocaust Literature & History
- Public Speaking
Foreign Language
- French I-III
- Latin I-III
- Spanish I-III
Health & Physical Education
- Phys. Ed. 401
- Independent Living/Life Skills
- Pursuit in Health & Sport
- Personal Wellness
- Health
- Basic Algebra
- Algebra I-II
- Geometry
- Senior Math
- Pre-Calculus
- Statistics
- Calculus Elements
- Choir
- General Biology
- Physical Science
- General Chemistry
- General Physics
- Earth Science
- Environmental Science
- Anatomy & Physiology I-II
- Astronomy
- Zoology
Social Studies
- World Studies
- Honors World Studies
- Geography
- Psychology
- American Studies
- Sociology
- Economics
- Criminal Justice
- United States Government
- US Government (Summer)
- Holocaust Literature & History
- Relationships, Marriage & Family Life
- Understanding Catholic Faith: Know the Faith!
- Hebrew Scriptures: The Bible from Scratch
- The Christian Scriptures & the Significance of Jesus
- Catholic Faith Through History: The Church, Our Story
- Christian Moral Belief & Response: The Call to Catholic Living
- The Social Mission of the Church: Living
- Your Relationship with Jesus
- Living Catholic Faith in the Modern World
- Senior Service (Summer Option)
- Senior Service (Independent Study Option)
- Religious Themes in Literature & Film
- Religious Themes in Literature & Film (Summer Option)
- Relationships, Marriage & Family Life
- World Religions
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- American University
- Boston College
- Brown University
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Clemson University
- Columbia University
- Duke University
- Fordham University
- Harvard University
- Kentucky University
- North Carolina State University
- Notre Dame University
- Ohio State University
- Princeton University
- Stanford University
- University of Virginia
- Vanderbilt University
Sports & Activities
Clubs and Activities
- Academic Challenge
- Band
- Choir
- Drama
- Environmental Club
- Foreign Language Clubs
- Literary Magazine Liturgical Music Group
- National Honor Society
- Newspaper
- Photography Club
- Ping Pong Club
- Pro-Life Youth Congress
- Recycling Club
- Right to Life
- Running Club
- Ski Club
- Speech / Debate
- Student Council
- World Politics Club
- Worship Committee
- Yearbook
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Cheerleading
- Cross Country
- Football
- Golf
- Lacrosse
- Soccer
- Softball
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
- Wrestling
St. Thomas Aquinas School
Louisville, OH
Private School
St. Thomas Aquinas School (STAS) is a private school for 9th – 12th Grade education located in Louisville, Ohio. The school aims at providing an environment in which Christian Faith in the Catholic tradition affects personal growth (mental, moral, spiritual and physical), citizenship and preparation for further education and vocation.
Academic Highlights
- St. Thomas Aquinas offers students the opportunity to earn up to 21 university credits through Walsh University and Stark State College. Students can take university classes in English, Psychology, Statistics, PreCalculus, and Political Science
- 70% of St. Thomas Aquinas instructors and teachers have masters degrees or higher qualification
- St. Thomas Aquinas has a 100% graduation rate yearly. All students attend four year colleges and universities.
- St. Thomas Aquinas boasts 9 team state championships in soccer, cross country, football and track & field, and 15 individual state champions in track & field, cross country and wrestling
AP & Honors Courses
6 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- Biology
- Calculus AB
- Chemistry
- English
- Physics B
- U.S. History
16 Honors Courses:
- Algebra II / Trigonometry
- American Literature
- Anatomy & Physiology I-II
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Foundations of Science
- Italian III-IV
- Pre Calculus
- Religion 12
- Spanish III-V
- World History
- World Literature
Arts/Fine Arts
- Art I-IV
- Ceramics
- Digital Art
- Sculpture & Design
- Painting
- Speech/Oral Interpretation
Business & Technology
- General Business
- Investments & Career Exploration
- Business Law
- Personal Finance
- Literature & Composition
- Print Media
- Introduction to Mass Media
- World Literature
- American Literature
- Visual communications
- British Literature & Composition
Health Education
- Health
- Speed/Strength Training
- Spanish I-II
- Italian I-II
- Chorus
- Instrumental Music
- Basic Algebra
- Algebra I-II
- Algebra II/Trigonometry
- Basic Geometry
- Geometry
- Pre-Calculus
- ACT Math Seminar
- Math Applications
- Statistics with CCP Option
Religious Education
- Religion 9-12
- Foundations of Science
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Forensics I-II
- Intro to Engineering I-II
Social Studies
- World History
- United States History
- American Political Perspective
- Current Events
- Youth & Law
- Sociology I & II
- Political Science/Financial Literacy
- Psychology I & II
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Boston College
- Brown University
- University of California, Berkeley
- University of California, Los Angeles
- Case Western Reserve University
- Duquesne University
- Fordham University
- Harvard University
- University of Iowa
- Liberty University
- University of Michigan
- The Naval Academy
- University of Notre Dame
- Ohio Northern University
- Ohio State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Pennsylvania State University
- Purdue University
- University of Rhode Island
- Thiel College
- Washington & Jefferson College
- Westminster College
- Wooster College
Sports & Activities
- Academic Challenge
- Art Multimedia Club
- Band
- Basketball
- Bowling
- Cheerleading
- Choir
- Color Guard
- Cross Country
- Football
- French Club
- Golf
- Hockey
- Italian Club
- International Thespian
- Literary Magazine
- Liturgical Choir
- National Honor Society
- Peer Tutoring
- Right to Life Club
- School Paper
- Science Club
- Society/Theatre
- Soccer
- Softball
- Spanish Club
- Speech & Debate
- Student Government
- Tennis
- Track & Field
- Volleyball
Crawford Christian Academy
Meadville, PA
Private School
Crawford Christian Academy is a private, Christian school for 7th to 12th grade education located in Meadville, Pennsylvania.
Academic Highlights
- Calvary offers University credits through local colleges.
- Up to 30 different languages are available to study
- Vocational programs are offered through Crawford County Career and Technical Center
- AP classes are available online with the support of the CBCA teachers.
- Students can qualify for the ACSI Student
- Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. & Honors Society
AP & Honors Courses
12 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses (Online):
- Art History
- Biology
- Calculus AB
- Computer Science
- English Language & Composition
- English Literature & Composition
- Macroeconomics
- Microeconomics
- Statistics
- US Government & Politics
- US History
- World History
13 Honors Courses:
- Algebra II
- American Literature
- Bible
- Biology I & II
- British Literature
- Chemistry
- Government
- Physics
- Pre-calculus
- World Geography
- World History
- World Literature
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Allegheny College
- Cedarville College
- Davis University
- Edinboro University
- Grove City College
- Houghton University
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania
- Liberty University
- Penn State University
Sports & Activities
- Basketball
- Chess Club
- Drama Club
- Honor Society
- Ski Club
- Soccer
- Volleyball
Trinity Area High School
Washington, PA
Public School
Trinity High School is a public school for students in grades 9-12 located in Washington, PA. Through Trinity’s abundance of course options, including AP, honors, and Vocational Agriculture, students have the opportunity to specialize their education to fit their needs and interests. Trinity partners with several local post-secondary schools allowing students the opportunity to earn multiple postsecondary credits before they graduate.
Academic Highlights
- THS graduates are accepted at a variety of highly selective colleges and universities each year
- One to one technology initiative to support technologically integrated curriculum
- 15 Vocational Programs offered through the Western Area Career and Technology Center
- Special education programs that offer learning support, life skills, autistic support, emotional support, and gifted support
- Distance learning opportunities for blended schedules and enrichment opportunities`
- Vocational Agriculture courses, Programming courses, Robotics/Drone Technology Program, and JROTC program
WACTC Trade & Career Courses
15 Career & Trade Courses from Western Area Career & Technology Center (WACTC)
- Automotive Mechanics
- Carpentry
- Child Care
- Collision Repair Technology
- Computer Networking
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Electrical Occupations
- Emergency & Protective Services
- Health Assistant
- Heating & Air Conditioning
- Machine Shop
- Masonry
- Mechatronics
- Welding
AP & Honors Courses
20 Advanced Placement (AP) Courses:
- English 11-12
- US History
- European History
- Calculus AB
- Calculus BC
- Chemistry
- Biology
- Statistics
- Computer Science
- Computer Science Principles
- Art History
- Psychology
- Music Theory
- Economics
- Physics I-II
- Environmental Science
- German
- Spanish
21 Honors Courses:
- English 9-10
- Debate I-III
- Writing Workshop
- World History
- Great Books: Reading and Discussion
- American Government
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Introduction to Organic Chemistry
- Geometry
- Algebra II
- Pre-Calculus
- Oracle Academy I-III
- Symphony Band/Marching Band
- Wind Ensemble/Marching Band
Agricultural Mechanization – Agricultural Education
- Introduction to Agriculture Production &
- Mechanics
- Agriculture Construction
- Agriculture Mechanics
- Leadership Education & Training (LET I-IV)
Business Technology
- Web Design I-II
- Virtual Business I-II
- Accounting I-III
- Advanced Computer Applications
- Study Skills
- Computers and Marketing as Life Skills
- Sports and Entertainment Marketing
- Personal Finance
- GameMaker Programming I-II
- Computer Programming with Alice
- Java Graphics
- English 9-12
- Journalism I-IV
- Public Speaking
- Advanced Public Speaking and Media
- Digital Media and Communication for the 21st Century
- SAT Test Preparation
- Olympus
Family and Consumer Sciences
- Child Development I-II
- Independent Child Development
- My First Place
- Eat This Not That
- Wellness, Food, and Fitness
Fine Arts- Art
- Art Survey
- Design I-II
- Ceramics I-III
- Sculpture
- Printmaking
- Photography I-III
- Painting I-II
- Drawing I-II
- Independent Art Studies
- General Art History
Fine Arts- Music
- Symphony Band
- Wind Ensemble/Marching Band
- Music Technology
- Survey of Popular Music
- Jazz Studies
- String Orchestra
- Guitar
- Piano
- Introduction to Music Theory and Technology
- Concert Choir
- Chamber Choir
- Applied Private Music
General-Agricultural Education
- Introduction to Agriculture Science
- Animal Science
- Agriculture Marketing
- Floral Design
- Agricultural Leadership & Communications
- Supervised Agricultural Experience
Health and Physical Education
- Health
- Physical Education
Horticulture-Agricultural Education
- Introduction to Horticulture
- Horticulture
Industrial Technology
- Introduction to Technology
- Woodworking
- Advanced Woodworking
- Metalworking
- Advanced Metalworking
- Communications Technology
- Advanced Drafting
- Advanced Graphics
- Independent Drafting
- Television Broadcasting
- Robotics
- Advanced Robotics
- Television Production
- German I-IV
- Spanish I-IV
- Algebra IA
- Algebra IB
- Algebra I-II
- Financial Algebra
- Geometry
- Advanced Algebra with Trigonometry
- Pre-Calculus
- Python Programming
- Introduction to Java- Pre AP
- Biology
- Physical Science
- Chemistry
- Astronomy and Meteorology
- Geology and Oceanography
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Environmental Science
- Forensic Science
- Conservation Biology
- Physics
Social Studies
- World History
- American History
- Economics
- The Emerging World: Geography, History,
- Culture and Conflict
- American Government
- Psychology
- Sociology
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Penn State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- West Virginia University
- California University of PA
- Slippery Rock University
- Robert Morris University
- Waynesburg University
- Washington and Jefferson College
- The Ohio State University
- Duquesne University
- Point Park University
- The College of Wooster
- Ohio University
Sports & Activities
- Cross Country (Boys & Girls)
- Football (Boys)
- Golf (Boys)
- Soccer (Boys)
- Soccer (Girls)
- Swimming (Boys & Girls)
- Tennis (Girls)
- Volleyball (Girls)
- Basketball (Girls)
- Basketball (Boys)
- Rifle (Boys & Girls)
- Swimming & Diving (Boys & Girls)
- Wrestling (Boys)
- Baseball (Boys)
- Lacrosse (Boys)
- Lacrosse (Girls)
- Softball (Girls)
- Tennis (Boys)
- Track (Boys & Girls)
- Volleyball (Boys)
- Hockey (Boys & Girls)
Jamestown High School
Jamestown, PA
Public School
Jamestown High School (JHS) is a public high school for 7th to 12th grade education located in Jamestown, Pennsylvania. Despite its relatively small student body, Jamestown High School still manages to outscore surrounding schools in standardized tests. Ranked among the top 150 “most productive” districts in the nation by the Center for American Progress in a recent study, the nationally renown High School managed to clinch the 2013 Bronze Medal of “Best High School Nationally”and in 2012, 2011, and 2009, and the Silver medal in 2012.
Academic Highlights
Despite its relatively small student body, Jamestown High School still manages to outscore surrounding schools in the annual Pennsylvania Standard School Assessment (PSSAs) tests–an exam conducted annually to determine each student’s level of proficiency in Mathematics, Science and English
Large numbers of Jamestown students have also managed to qualify for the National Academic games––a glowing testament to the efforts of both teachers and students and no doubt a contribution to its high “Overachiever” ranking at 7th place among more than 500 other school districts
Ranked among the top 150 “most productive” districts in the nation by the Center for American Progress in a recent study
2013 Bronze Medal winner of “Best High School Nationally”, the district also clinched the distinction in 2012, 2011, and 2009, and the Silver medal in 2012
2013 83rd Honor Ranking (All Tests and Subjects) out of 500 Pennsylvania high schools
Top Universities Attended by Graduates
- Johns Hopkins University
- Pennsylvania State University
- University of Pittsburgh
- Syracuse University
- U.S. Airforce Academy
Sports & Activities
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cross Country
- Golf
- Wrestling
- Gymnastics
- Softball
- Volleyball

Recent news at ASG
- Staying Safe: COVID-19 April 7, 2021
- Fall Recruiting Underway April 6, 2021
- ASG Academic Advising: Picking a Major – Families of Majors: Engineering July 16, 2020
- ASG Where We live: Shopping & Dining July 14, 2020
- ASG Academic Advising: Picking a Major – Families of Majors: Sciences July 9, 2020
Contact Us
Call us: 1.724.885.1136
Write us: info@american-scholar.org
10 N Penn Avenue
Greenville, Pennsylvania 16125