American English Institute

The Amer­i­can Eng­lish Insti­tute is chang­ing the way the world learns Amer­i­can Eng­lish. The insti­tute seeks to estab­lish the stan­dard for Amer­i­can Eng­lish by func­tion­ing both as an accred­i­ta­tion body that instills the cor­rect ped­a­gogy for edu­ca­tors, and as an edu­ca­tor of the lan­guage. Guid­ing stu­dents from begin­ning to advanced lan­guage lev­els, the insti­tute fos­ters pro­fi­ciency in all the lin­guis­tic domains of lis­ten­ing, speak­ing, read­ing and writing.

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American English Institute