Student Government Launches Clothing Drive

April 6th, 2017 | Student Clubs

All of the charity work that the students have been involved in has inspired the student government to do something even bigger. They have launched a clothing drive that will continue through the entire month of April! Student Government President John Zhang is encouraging all of the students to get involved stating “If you have clothes that you don’t need, please donate them for the clothing drive.”  The student government has delivered bins to each ASG house in hopes for more donations. At the end of the month all the clothes will go to the Good Shepard Center, a local organization dedicated to helping the less fortunate in our community by providing a variety of services.  Kandee Nguyen says that helping to put together the clothing drive has “helped me to develop organizational skills for my own life while helping to brighten the lives of others.”  We are proud of our Student Government and all of the students involved in working so diligently to help their American hometown.